Sunday, May 8, 2011

OUR WEEKEND, always a blessing! NEVER DULL!

Got so much done this weekend, and want to share our list of to dos that we got marked off! Got a new lawn mower, got an entertainment center, bought flowers, hung more pictures in the house, painted and rearranged proch furniture, painted DAVIS letters for his big boy room, bought a big boy rail for his new bed, picked up MORE sticks, mowed the grass, seeded the grass and even had time to sneak in lots of hugs, kisses and giggles for our little man! A couple FUNNY Davis stories from this weekend. I told Davis I was going to potty and that I would be right back and the next thing I knew he was pulling a seat into the bathroom and saying "watch mommy potty, Davis watch mommy potty!" WAlker saw him draging his chair on the way and he just screamed "Davis watch mommy potty!" Do you think he loves me or...? We worked all of Davis puzzles one afternoon and while finishing one up we were talking about the animals on the puzzle. I asked him what ones were his favorite, what sound they made, etc. When we got to the Rhinno I asked him what it was and what it said and he said "rhinno, daddy's work." This is awesome because WAlker works at a place called Rhinno Construction. We have never really mentioned it to him, however, everyone has a rhinno at WAlker's work with thier name on it. It is so funny how much they remember and learn without you even knowing it, it's also kind of scary too! Davis LOVES our new place and this is one of his favorite ways to run around. NAKED plus shoes, preferable boots! He has all kinds rain, snow and cowboy and he will always let you know which kind he needs to wear! So glad the neighbors think its cute!
To top it all off we head to the dentist tommorrow for our first cleaning in Milan and Davis will attempt to get his cleaned or looked at as well! Also he has started running a low grade fever so whatcha think, another ear infection? Which means SURGERY time for us, AGAIN! I will let you know what we find out, praying for my little puny boy!

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