Thursday, December 29, 2011

2011 in Review

2011 has been a crazy, wild ride for us but we are all so blessed to be together, safe, healthy and happy! Read all about how we began the year in Louisville, KY, thought we were moving and ended up two more hours down the road in TN, found out we were having a baby, bought two cars, a house and started a new job! This year has yielded lots of surprises, tears, excitement and fun but through all of it we have learned our God is amazing and takes care of us despite what might knock us down, or throw us for a loop!

January We had just dealt with the news of not leaving for Philadelphia and we heard from Paducah they wanted Walker to begin work in February.

February We ended up not moving to Paducah, but rather Milan Tn. We traveled the 5.5 hours there with a loaded down truck and no where to live. Isn’t our God amazing? He took care of us. We found a place to live and our house in Louisville sold a few weeks after moving in. Now the search was on for a place to live in Milan.

March Davis turned two! What a fun age it has been! Timing was everything, because as soon as we found our new house in Milan a horrible storm hit the area which caused us to have to relocate to some friends and family homes for a week before moving in! We also lost our truck, and had some major damage to our car so we had to do some pretty hefty car shopping!

April We were finally able to settle in to our new home, town, and job. Davis was sickly and we knew that a new set of tubes would be in our future if he didn’t get better soon!

May We were right, Davis had his second ear tubes surgery this month! Despite a horrible experience Davis did well and has has had no ear issues since!

June We were one year a way from Lane and Rob’s big wedding day! Can’t wait!

July We went to the beach with the Wellington’s!

August  We finally began to settle in to a grove and have a lot less drama in our lives! Granted we had already met every deductible we have, minus our life insurance, so life was finally looking to be somewhat normal!

September We found out baby number two was headed our way! Davis has been excited since day one and cannot stop talking about his baby sister!

October I began to experience sickness from pregnancy and felt like I was not only in a coma for a while but that I would dry heave forever! Davis and his daddy helped me get all better with lots of rest, love and trucks!

November We celebrated Thanksgiving with my entire family in Louisville. My brother and his girlfriend from California were even able to come in for the holiday! Davis met Santa again and did NOT like him!

December We bought our second vehicle of the year due to some unexpected events with the JEEP! We made lots of memories with D’s third Christmas! We found out we were having a precious baby girl, named Emerson Oneita Wellington, aka, Emmy-o!

 Praying for a healthy, happy, fun, exciting 2012! Hopefully we will have less drama and more excitement but we know all is well as long as we are HIS! Things we will be praying for and looking forward to this coming year!

Emerson Oneita’s arrival…sometime mid to late April!

Lane and Rob’s wedding June 16, 2012

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas with the Wellington's

Christmas afternoon, after Davis’ nap we headed to Dyersburg to see what Meme, Pawpaw, Lala and Rob were up to! They sure thought we had been good this year! WE came home with way too much stuff! We enjoyed fun times opening presents, eating a delicious meal and making memories!

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Davis is the official present/stocking passer outer! HAHA! He definitely knows how to spot his name and is beginning to learn the spelling of others names from all of these presents!

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Stocking time!

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Opening more presents!

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Davis loved his new set of wheels and is a real pro at riding his new bike indoors!

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Daddy enjoying D’s trucks just as much as D did!

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Meme and D!

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Meme with her babies, plus D!

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Do you think D loves his lala and Rob? He had to be in the picture with them! The wedding could be very interesting!

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Davis and his pawpaw!

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Girls picture!

A day with Davis, Mommy and Daddy get to play

Davis loves it when both me and Walker get to go places with him, so last Friday we took the day to go where ever he wanted to go as a family. We ended up at Chuckie Cheese!

dec 022D used his tickets for a hat, mustache, beard, etc. What and imagination!

dec 023dec 024Playing games with Daddy!

dec 025dec 026dec 027Dancing on the green screen with Chuckie!

dec 028Look at that face of enjoyment!

dec 029dec 030dec 031Pictures with Chuckie!

dec 032dec 033WE cashed in some tickets we had been saving up and got a huge sucker and new car!

We had a great day with D despite a horrible lunch at Chick fil a. I will spare you with the details, but let’s just say we ended up leaving with D in tears and mommy and daddy who were very frustrated! Oh the joys of having a little two year old who does not like to eat!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

The Wellington’s headed to our house Christmas Eve afternoon and the adventures began. We started off coking their traditional meal of spaghetti for supper while Davis prepared a special treat for Santa's reindeer!



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He made them a real treat. Complete with fruit snacks, gold fish, cereal and the list goes on and on! He may or may not have tried a bite to make sure they enjoyed it!

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He had so much fun spreading it over the yard so they would have something to eat when they arrived!

feeding the reindeer

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Next, it was Santa's turn. He made him cinnamon cookies, snicker doodles, with Lala! He decided Santa needed six cookies and a surprise!

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Do you see the surprise…he took a bite of one! HA! Look at that finger saying shhhhh!

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Next he wrote Santa a note thanking him in advance for all his toys!

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The finished product!

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Meme and Pawpaw let him open a gift on Christmas Eve nigth and he was very excited about his house, gator, men, and animals.

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Next, we read the Night Before Christmas. A Christmas Eve tradition! He even helped Meme read it!

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The adults ended the night with donning our new pj’s and playing a game!

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Opening presents!

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Davis loved his new scooper except for the brief moment of being a little shy with it initially! By the end of the morning he was scooping everything in sight!

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Family photos by the tree!