Monday, December 12, 2011

Fire Engines!!

Today playgroup met at the fire station and boy was it a VERY big treat for my truck loving boy! Isn’t he a cute fire fighter?

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This is him and Jonah, partners in crime!

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They all listened so well and hung on every word the firefighters told them! Davis told him he had a question and he asked where the fire engine was during the tour of the fire house. What a truck lover, no time for looking around the house when you can see a real fire truck! Oh yeah, check out my firefighter in all of these pictures. It took me forever to convince him he didn’t have to hold his hat on with his fingers. Poor kid, you know his hands got tired! He also had a firefighter man in each hand. He brought his fire truck and said “Mommy I brought my fire truck to show the firemen. They will love it!” These next pics are the kids on the tour of the fire house!

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We even got to drive the fire engine! My little firefighter wanted to do it with mommy!

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See, it was so much more fun with mommy as my helper!

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Taking a tour around the fire engine! The kids faces were priceless! They were dumbfounded at all the items kept in the fire engine!

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Davis’ expressions were hilarious. He literally stood in amazement the entire time we were there!

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After all the tours we came in to eat snack and hear how to get out of a house safely if it was on fire. The kids played toy or tool, watched how to stop, drop and roll and got to hear a fire alarm go off.

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They were awesome and hung on every word! This was one of our favorite playgroups yet!

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listening to the firefighter


fire engine siren!

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