Monday, December 12, 2011

Gingerbread cookies!

Friday night we decided to have a low key family night and we watched Nemo, ate pizza and made gingerbread cookies! It was so much fun and I think we even started a new tradition! MAKING COOKIES! Davis was a very big helper in the kitchen and loved rolling out the dough, pressing his cookie cutters in the dough and of course eating them! Afterwards the boys soaked in a hot bubble bath and made the night complete! Love family time with my precious boys!

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Davis and Daddy mixing up the dough, mommy may have put flour on their faces to make the night more fun!!

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Davis was pretty proud of his train cookie!

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D and I posing with our delicious cookies!

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Family photo!! Got to love these up close shots!

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Davis loved all the cookie cutters, but I believe his favorite was the train! Imagine that!

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Icing the cookies!

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This is the one D picked to eat! Oh what fun!

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This is what we had to clean up after all of our cookie fun!


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