Sunday, December 18, 2011

Boy or Girl

December 16th was a very exciting day in our house! We all headed to the OB to see what this baby was going to be, of course Davis already knew he just wanted to see his baby! He kept asking why the lights were out in the ultrasound room and why I was up so high on the table and if the tech was a doctor and so on! So inquisitive! He did amazing and never even got scared during the LONG appointment!

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This is the crew before the ultrasound, we were all voting team pink! Wonder who gave us that idea?

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We didn’t reveal until that night and it was so difficult keeping it a secret. Sorry for all the ignored calls and texts! We HAD to keep it a secret!

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The décor. Davis kept saying take Emmy-o’s pictures down, mommy! I think he wanted his little baby to be near him and not in the window! Already Mr. protective!

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The cake! We put all the possible names on it and inside there was pink icing! WE have since put the name under construciton, but we will let you know when the final name is done!

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Everyone had to vote for what they thought baby Wellington was…

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and…it’s a girl! Pink balloons popped out when they opening the box! SOoooo exciting! Check out their faces in the second picture! Love it! Trying to pick out her name in the last ones!

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Daddy got the whole thing on video!

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Big Brother Davis loved all the excitement and can’t wait to see his baby sister! He has asked all weekend to see her, hold her and love on her! Bless him, it’s going to be a long several months!

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Which is it? A GIRL!

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Of course she had to have some pink, check out those outfits! and of course her first toy!

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Here is my monthly picture! What a bump!


I must tell you when we saw she was a girl we all shed some tears and laughed at how right D was. We also mentioned we hope she was just like her daddy, she on the other hand did not like that comment and stuck her tongue out at us! Already a stinker! Love her already! Can’t wait to meet you baby girl!

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