Sunday, December 18, 2011

It’s Christmas time with the Poston’s

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Davis was so happy that bubba came all the way to California to see him! HA! ( that is what he thought anyway!)

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Present from Laura and Nick! What could it be?

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Oh the excitement!

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Now the waiting begins…got to get the trucks out of the child proof box. Each man got a truck to get out, the race was on!  Love his face while waiting so patiently.

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I love my trucks!!!!

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Playing trucks and making silly faces with mommy!

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D showing off his Hoho beard! What a hoot!

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Watching his Portable North Pole video! Santa said he was on the nice list and he was excited to say the least! Check out all of his expressions! He kept saying that’s me, that’s me!


Watching his PNP video


playing trucks!

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