Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas with the Wellington's

Christmas afternoon, after Davis’ nap we headed to Dyersburg to see what Meme, Pawpaw, Lala and Rob were up to! They sure thought we had been good this year! WE came home with way too much stuff! We enjoyed fun times opening presents, eating a delicious meal and making memories!

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Davis is the official present/stocking passer outer! HAHA! He definitely knows how to spot his name and is beginning to learn the spelling of others names from all of these presents!

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Stocking time!

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Opening more presents!

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Davis loved his new set of wheels and is a real pro at riding his new bike indoors!

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Daddy enjoying D’s trucks just as much as D did!

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Meme and D!

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Meme with her babies, plus D!

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Do you think D loves his lala and Rob? He had to be in the picture with them! The wedding could be very interesting!

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Davis and his pawpaw!

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Girls picture!

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