Tuesday, December 20, 2011


To my dearest little girl! I am so excited to know that you are growing and healthy. We got to see you again last week and I could not have been more happy to know that you were a precious little girl. Your big brother has told us from the beginning you were a girl and that your name was Emmy so it made me smile to see his words become reality. You were perfect at the ultrasound. You cooperated with Randee (the ultrasound tech) and we were able to see all of your heart, brain, legs, arms, etc. You even stuck your tongue out at us when we made a comment about you being like your daddy! We cannot wait to hold you in our arms, touch your sweet hands and feet and kiss your cheeks. Some are excited about dressing you up and buying pink, but I am most excited about meeting you and telling you how much I love you.

Emmy, I pray you are a sweet little girl, that loves life and others around you. I know you will see bad and good, but I pray you choose the good. You have the best big brother in the world that will protect you and be your best buddy. I pray your heart is on fire for God and you serve him all your days. Your mommy and daddy are not perfect, but we will attempt to be great examples for you and will help you in any way. I promise to teach you what it means to be a lady and your daddy will show you how a man should treat a lady. We are already praying for your future with your future mate and that you will serve God together forever. Emmy, you are special and we love you so much! We are all counting down the days till you arrive!

Here are some of your pictures from the ultrasound!



emmy 001

emmy 002

emmy 003

emmy 004

Parts we had never seen before with Davis! Do you see the three lines? It’s a girl!

emmy 005

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