Sunday, December 18, 2011

Heading to Grannie's

Saturday am we all got ready and headed to Paducah to see Grannie at her assisted living for a Christmas lunch meal! The ride wasn’t bad and everyone did great in the big van! D is still sad Mia and Pops had to give it back! HA!

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Loving on daddy before we pile in the big van!

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SOmeone is big buddies with their POPS!

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YAY! Lauda is coming with us!

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Look who met us at the door! And best of all D was not scared of him! He had a pleasant conversation with him about trucks and his baby and then posed for a picutre! Some body might be starting to like Santa! HAHA!

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Someone was excited about their gift from Grannie! The car’s doors opened and he was crazy about it!

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I believe he is one handsome stud! Even if his momma does cut his head off in pics! haha!

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Not sure of Olivia! Look at that face!

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Davis loved the candy canes!

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Sweet kisses for mommy and daddy! This boy is the sweetest!

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GRannie and Olivia checking out the candy!

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This is what happened after reading his book he got on the way home…CASHED OUT!

When we got home we exchanged between our family. WHEW! I hope D doesn’t get used to this present thing. My house is being over taken with TRUCKS!!!


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Look at those faces! He loved pulling all his goodies out of his bag!

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Pops and D opening up presents!

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Thank You Mia and POPS! I love you!

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This is how he dressed my mom for the pics! HA!

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Posing with Mia, Pops and Bub before they headed to the airport!

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Posing with Mia and Pops!

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Sorry Mia your eyes are closed but loved the picture anyway!

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He sure does love his bubba!

We had such a great, busy, exciting and fun filled weekend! I always love having family near for the holidays! I will cherish the memories we made forever! Love you all so much!

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