Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A day with Davis, Mommy and Daddy get to play

Davis loves it when both me and Walker get to go places with him, so last Friday we took the day to go where ever he wanted to go as a family. We ended up at Chuckie Cheese!

dec 022D used his tickets for a hat, mustache, beard, etc. What and imagination!

dec 023dec 024Playing games with Daddy!

dec 025dec 026dec 027Dancing on the green screen with Chuckie!

dec 028Look at that face of enjoyment!

dec 029dec 030dec 031Pictures with Chuckie!

dec 032dec 033WE cashed in some tickets we had been saving up and got a huge sucker and new car!

We had a great day with D despite a horrible lunch at Chick fil a. I will spare you with the details, but let’s just say we ended up leaving with D in tears and mommy and daddy who were very frustrated! Oh the joys of having a little two year old who does not like to eat!

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