Monday, December 19, 2011

Playgroup with Hoho @ the bank!

Today we met at the church building for snack, craft time and some fun before heading to the bank of Milan to see Santa, yet again! The kids had so much energy and it gave them some time to run it off and play together!

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This is Davis and Emmy, pretty sure this is where he picked out his name for his sister!

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The kids at playgroup! What a festive bunch!

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The boys and Peyton! Such a sweet girl!

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D showing off for the camera!


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D had a great conversation with Santa about trucks and how he needed more of them. Santa told him he was pretty sure he made the one he had, it threw Davis for a loop! HA!



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Enjoying chocolate milk and cookies from Santa!

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Playgroup with Santa!

So glad D has a group of buddies and his mommy has their mommies to meet each week to play, talk and just have fun!

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