Tuesday, December 6, 2011


love love love having this blog so I can jot my thoughts down, write down funny things d says and just plain use it to let others in our lives!

Some Davis funnies:

*As we were driving home from Kentucky he says “Mommy I’m all done watching puppies. I’m tired. I‘ll watch it later.” In less than five minutes the child was snoozing! What a sweet boy who knows when he needs a little recharging!

*Davis came with me to my OB appointment and we talked a lot about how this appointment was for the baby and they wouldn’t even touch him…he fears doctors…when he came to the room with me he wouldn’t even come away from the door. I convinced him to shut the door and he told me to sit up there (the patients seat with stirrups!). I did and then he asked me what the stirrups were. I told him and he told me to put my feet in them. The nurse came in took my vitals, and listened to the baby’s heartbeat. I explained to him that was his little baby’s heart and he told me it hurt his ears! I guess as long as he calls the shots and sounds are too loud the doctor is not half bad!

*As Walker was leaving this am we were doing our normal routine of hugs, kisses and the by bye daddy song and Walker gave me my hug and kiss and Davis said “ Daddy you stole my kisses from mommy!”

* on the way home from the ENT I heard D whispering, so I asked D who you talking to. he replied, “ mommy I’m talking to my ears about Dr. Studman!” (his ENT!) Ha! I wonder what he said!!

*the other night I told D it was time for bed and he said “ I need a bath mommy!” I told him it was too late and we could get one tomorrow, he replied with “Mommy I’m dirty!”

*WE were heading to Davis’s room for naptime and when we saw his blanket and stuffed animals he said “Aww mommy I just missed them! I’m tired!” dec 037dec 038dec 039

From me:

I am now almost half way through this second pregnancy and wondering how fast time does fly! This go a round has been SO different. Why? Well I have a two and a half old to chase around, my feet are causing me some terrible issues and my lower right back is hurting.  I am having lots of fun (ha) realizing this pregnancy and this baby are going to be different that Davis. I think it’s God’s way of getting me ready now before our bundle of joy arrives! It has been so neat seeing how different it is the second go around, as I mentioned above I am noticing issues I did not notice before but I have had others: no facial breakouts this time…had them last time, no sickness last time…lots of icky feelings this time, one thing remains the same I have been tired both times! Walker calls it my pregnancy coma! I LOVE sleep and I really can’t seem to get enough of it! I am still teaching aerobics as I did last time and so far so good. WE will see if I make it to 37 weeks though! Davis has been so awesome throughout this 18 weeks! He is constantly hugging, kissing and even telling me how much he misses his baby. He also checks on me to make sure I am ok, like father like son, and I know he cares for me and the baby so much because he will bring us both trucks if we are not feeling well! Walker and I are convinced he will be the best most protective big brother yet! He takes care of his own and that is already being displayed without the baby’s arrival! He is so excited about pushing the baby down the aisle at Lala and Rob’s wedding and has already picked out a present for the baby for Christmas! (I made him wait on buying it so we can see if it is a boy or a girl though!) He is confident the baby is a girl and that we will name her Emmy-O and he is already so proud of her! He shows her ultrasound picture to everyone! I am playful that this baby will be a sweet healthy one that loves her brother and mommy and daddy as much as we love him/her!

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