Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Let it Snow and Meeting Ho Ho at Story Time

We are really enjoying everything about this Christmas despite the constant yucky rainy weather! This morning we woke up to beautiful snow! I snuck a couple pictures of us in it and I’m so glad we did because as soon as we got back from the library it was GONE!

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D wakes us up every morning and ask where Fredrick (our elf on the shelf) is and if he saw Santa last night. He totally loves the excitement of finding him and I don’t care what anyone says it has been worth the 30 for sure. WE have done it two years in a row now and it just keeps getting more and more FUN! When we got back from Story hour Davis went right to Fredrick and said I saw Santa first! Ha! He was excited to tell Fredrick about his adventure with Hoho! Santa gave him a mouse at Story hour and he has already decided to give it to Emmy-O! Sweet. Boy. He told Santa Emmy needed a bear and he needed a monster truck! SURPRISE SURPRISE!

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Davis loving on his buddy Wyatt, aka the new Wyatt!

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Pictures with his boys! What are we going to do without the trio?

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Playing with all the fun library toys!

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Showing off their CARS ! These boys are so funny about their cars!

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Drinvign the cars anywhere they can!

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Davis and Nonah sitting in the hand seat!

We can hardly wait for the big day! Davis is getting so excited and is really into all the Christmas festivities this year. He has even told me that Santa does not live at the north pole but rather at the Bass Pro shop! He first saw him there over thanksgiving in a Santa house and is convinced that is where he lives! He also asked Walker if there were three Santa’s.  He doesn’t miss a beat and the more Santa’s he sees the more Santa’s he thinks there are! Walker made up a great daddy story and convinced him there was only one he just had some magical Santa powers!  Leave it to Daddy to save the day! Davis is also in the giving spirit he went around target yesterday and picked up gifts for everyone including himself! I convinced him he had plenty and Santa was coming soon so he just got his buddies things he thought they must have! Wow I can’t even imagine how much fun this is going to get with two! Every year seems to get more and more exciting!

I will have to post pics of Davis with Santa in another post because of course I had to sit with him and my friends got pictures with their cameras so I will post them soon!


Discussing the snow over breakfast


playing with the snow

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