Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning

The Wellington’s headed to our house Christmas Eve afternoon and the adventures began. We started off coking their traditional meal of spaghetti for supper while Davis prepared a special treat for Santa's reindeer!



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He made them a real treat. Complete with fruit snacks, gold fish, cereal and the list goes on and on! He may or may not have tried a bite to make sure they enjoyed it!

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He had so much fun spreading it over the yard so they would have something to eat when they arrived!

feeding the reindeer

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Next, it was Santa's turn. He made him cinnamon cookies, snicker doodles, with Lala! He decided Santa needed six cookies and a surprise!

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Do you see the surprise…he took a bite of one! HA! Look at that finger saying shhhhh!

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Next he wrote Santa a note thanking him in advance for all his toys!

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The finished product!

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Meme and Pawpaw let him open a gift on Christmas Eve nigth and he was very excited about his house, gator, men, and animals.

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Next, we read the Night Before Christmas. A Christmas Eve tradition! He even helped Meme read it!

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The adults ended the night with donning our new pj’s and playing a game!

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Opening presents!

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Davis loved his new scooper except for the brief moment of being a little shy with it initially! By the end of the morning he was scooping everything in sight!

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Family photos by the tree!

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