Thursday, December 15, 2011

What would D say

I am sitting at home waiting Mia, Pops and Bubba’s arrival with no hubby (at a late meeting!) and I am going to use my time to tell you some funny stuff D has been saying! He has been sick lately so we have spent more time than usual in the house and just being mommy and D. You’ll never believe the things this kid comes up with!

Tonight as we are reading his story before he goes to bed he tells me he wants to read it to me (a nightly ritual). He takes it and begins whispering the words, I say buddy I can’t hear you, he states “mommy I’m reading the book quietly!” This is funny because he rarely does anything quietly! At the end he makes sure to say “the end!” (loudly I might add!)

I was helping him make a Christmas craft today and while I was cutting he grabbed a Bible and said “Mommy I ‘m going to read about Hoho and Jesus!” I said buddy I don’t think Hoho is in the Bible he states, “ Hoho goes to church mommy!”

As we worked a floor puzzle of Noah and the ark Davis began talking about how much Noah and Hoho looked alike. I said D I am not sure what Noah looked like, he said “mommy he looks like this and hoho looks like this too!”

We drove up from the doctor today and there was a package on our porch. D immediately needed to get out and look at it. When he did he said, “look mom d-a-v-i-s, it’s for me! What a smart boy!

Davis is in love with his “emmy-o” and constantly asks to hold her, see her, hug her, etc. Lately he will pull up my shirt and say I need to see her. He is totally convinced my belly button is her…he will say mom she is getting bigger! HA!

As we were reading books he asked to read one to me and I handed him one, he licked his finger and looked at me and laughed. I said buddy what are you doing? He stated “Mimi and Pawpaw do it!” I guess he has seen them try to unstick pages with their fingers while reading books…what an observer!

As I said he has not been feeling well lately so he has been waking up in the middle of the night and Walker got him the other night and laid with him for a minute. He grabbed Walker’s face and said, “Daddy you make me happy!”

Well, I just heard the garage door so I will stop for now!

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