Monday, December 12, 2011

Other weekend adventures

Davis loves to sing “here we go go go go on an adventure!” and this weekend we had several of them! We spent the morning in Jackson shopping and then headed to Mimi and Pawpaw’s home. After supper we went to a neat little place with lights, Santa, and hot chocolate. Davis also got to see a live nativity and he especially loved the sheep! He kept asking to go back and see them instead of seeing hoho!

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He was so bundled in the stroller you could barely see him. He kept saying “Merry Christmas, I’m a baby!”

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One of my most treasured moments this weekend…Daddy and Davis ready the story of Jesus’ birth. It doesn’t matter he doesn’t think Jesus was born in a stable, but yet a truck, does it? He leaned over in church Sunday when his buddy Ross was preaching and said, “Mommy is Jesus here?” I said yes buddy he sure is.” He leaned back over and said, “Where is he?” I replied, “He is everywhere just look around!” He said, “ Oh, well I don’t see him!” O the words of little children, humbles me!

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And last but not least, ever heard of a church mouse? Well Sunday night we had just that. A mouse came and visited us after church. Luckily, daddy and Blue saved us and him and let the boys look at him real close!

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We were blessed with a great weekend. WE can’t wait till this weekend to see what adventures we have awaiting us!

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